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Moving towards all-rounded sustainable energy solutions

Empowering Industries

Our world-class engines and comprehensive customer support ensures stable and sustainable electric power in exactly the way you want it, whatever the operating conditions.

Perkins has the right products to meet the needs of all the key industries in the electric power market. Our engines provide standby generation for factories, office and shopping malls, and for critical applications in hospitals and at airports. We provide engines for prime power generation in remote locations far from the national grid, such as powering telecommunication towers throughout the world. With Perkins comes reliability borne out of thousands of hours of real-world use and it’s all supported by our global network of distributors.

Emission and techonology

Globally, there are increasingly stringent standards on emissions – and the technology we use ensures our products meet the standards wherever the engines are being used in the world.

Our diesel oxidation catalysts, diesel particulate filters, selective catalytic reduction, series turbos, exhaust gas recirculation, high pressure common rail fuel systems and ammonia oxidation catalysts give high-end performance with reduced engine emissions.

When it comes to emissions and technology, Perkins is a world leader. Our engines employ the latest techniques to ensure your customers meet emission standards wherever they are.

Repair Products

Fuel injectors are critical to the way an engine works. They spray atomized fuel into the combustion chamber of the engine. They come as both mechanical and electronic items, according to the model of the engine.

Overhaul Products

We provide genuine parts that are specifically designed to bring you maximum performance, reliability and durability. We strive to bring you the best products, while reducing your operating and owning costs.

Operation & Maintenance

This provides all the information you need to keep your engine running properly day in, day out. It includes details on regular maintenance intervals together with technical data and guidance.